How to Join!

Joining a fraternity or sorority is personal decision that can be difficult for some. However, to mitigate the anxiety that this process can at times create, and to be better prepared to make an informed decision, we highly encourage all interested students (potential new members) to learn as much as possible about the organization(s) of interest and ask questions about their respective recruitment and/or intake processes as well as expectations of membership.

Institutional Eligibility Criteria:

Rensselaer operates under a "deferred recruitment" system, meaning students are not eligible to join a social fraternity or sorority until their second semester of freshman year. However, students who transfer to RPI after having earned 12 transferable credit hours at another college or university are permitted to join a fraternity or sorority. Regardless of when a student wishes to join, before a candidate can go through recruitment/intake, they must meet the following membership eligibility requirements:

Eligibility Requirements

  • Potential new members must have earned a minimum of 12 credit hours.
  • They must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 or meet the organization’s specified minimum standard to join, whichever is higher, before receiving an invitation to join.
  • Transfer students to RPI must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in the semester before affiliating at their previous institution and transfer at least 12 credit hours to be eligible. Verification is required before joining.
  • First-year January admits are ineligible until the following fall.
  • They must be in good standing with the university conduct process and not on university probation.

Note: An exception is made for our gender-inclusive fraternity within our Professional Fraternity/Sorority community who may extend membership to first-year students who lack a university established GPA.

Post Invitation/Bid Requirements

  • Attend FSC New Member Orientation    

IFC Recruitment

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) consists of twenty-two (22) member chapters. There are two ways by which a potential new member may join an IFC fraternity, the first being a formal process and second an informal process. The formal process is held in the spring and followed by an informal process that occurs both in spring and fall. Formal recruitment will take place January 19 – February 1, 2023.

MSFC Intake/Recruitment

The Multicultural Sorority & Fraternity Council (MSFC) is home to six (6) intercultural organizations, these organizations represent both fraternities and sororities and boasts orgs that are affiliated with National APIDA Panhellenic Association (NAPA), National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations, Inc., (NALFO) and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). Most chapters will hold informational sessions in both the fall and spring semesters where interested potential new members (PNMs) may inquire about membership. However, the best way to gain information about the recruitment practices is to contact that chapter directly and/or attend events hosted by the chapter of interest. 

RPC Recruitment

The Panhellenic Council consists of four (4) chapters three of which are members of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and one associate organization. There are two ways by which a potential new member may join an RPI Panhellenic sorority, either through our primary formal recruitment or through the council’s informal (continuous open bidding/recruiting) process.

The primary recruitment period for the RPI Panhellenic occurs traditionally in late January. Given that College Panhellenic Associations are only allowed to host one primary recruitment per year, the RPI Panhellenic does NOT host a formalized fall recruitment. Instead RPI hosts informal recruitment opportunities during the fall, so students interested in sorority membership following the conclusion of spring primary recruitment can do so. Interested individuals should be on the lookout for our council and sororities' Instagram pages for information on the continuous open recruitment/bidding process and which groups will be participating in it.

2025 Primary Recruitment will take place January 14 – 19, 2025. Registration details/disclaimer will be found HERE. Should you have any questions about RPI Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment, please contact Vice President of Recruitment for the Panhellenic Council, at or panhel@rpi.eduOn behalf of the entire RPI Panhellenic Council, we are so excited that you have chosen to explore the possibilities this spring --welcome to our community!


Professional Fraternities & Sororities Recruitment

The Panhellenic Council consists of four

Benefits of joining a fraternity or sorority

All Greek organizations are working examples of a democracy in action. This is often the first time that members are responsible for managing their own activities and living within their means, so joining a fraternity or sorority provides an excellent opportunity to experience leadership and the responsibility of membership. In addition, the chapters are more than clubs; they are corporations, often with large budgets managed by the members.

One of the most mentioned aspects of fraternity and sorority life is the friendship that exists between members of a chapter, among both its undergraduates and alumni/ae. Fraternity and sorority life promotes the development of close ties between members through living, studying, working, competing, and having fun together. These lifetime relationships go beyond ordinary friendship to become like that of a family.

Greek letter organizations are self-sufficient, with each chapter collecting dues and membership fees to support their own activities and programs. For chapters with houses, charges include room, board, and fees which may vary depending on whether the member lives in or out of the chapter house. While students should ask about a chapter's fees while going through recruitment, Greek living is generally comparable to non-Greek on-campus living costs, and in many cases is less expensive.

The social aspects of Greek-letter organizations help to make college more than just a school. Greeks often organize various social activities including picnics and barbecues, faculty dinners, formals, parties, and trips to local attractions. All chapters have risk management procedures for social events which help to provide a safe environment for members and guests during chapter functions.

Chapter housing facilities vary greatly in size and amenities. Some groups live in Rensselaer residence halls or renovated apartments; others in houses owned and operated by the chapters themselves. Actual living arrangements vary from chapter to chapter as to how many members reside in the house and share bedrooms. Chapters with their own houses commonly run their own meal plans, either with a paid cook or members preparing meals themselves. All chapters that provide housing facilities for students are inspected twice a year to ensure compliance with fire and building codes.

Academics are important in Greek Life and are stressed by chapters from rush to graduation. The resources that Greeks often provide include scholarship awards, study sessions, files of materials, and tutoring assistance. Many chapters and national Greek organizations recognize and reward members for their scholastic excellence. According to Institute retention data, members of Greek organizations are more likely to complete their Rensselaer degree than their non-Greek counterparts.

Philanthropy is part of Rensselaer's fraternity and sorority community. Each semester, the Greeks at Rensselaer raise thousands of dollars and donate hundreds of hours to worthy causes. For example, chapters donate blood, raise money for various charitable causes, serve as Big Brothers and Sisters to Troy children, and help Neighborhood Associations clean and beautify their streets.

Greek alumni/ae play a major role in advising chapters. Each chapter has at least one adviser, but often many more, and housing corporation members to help with day-to-day operations. They meet regularly as members of the Alumni Inter-Greek Council, which provides networking and resources for efficient chapter management.

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