
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Fraternity & Sorority Commons 

Our 4 Commitments 

As the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Commons (FSC), our foundation rests upon four distinct commitments: Support, Inform, Develop, and Engage. Aligned with these commitments, we wholeheartedly champion the fraternity and sorority community's five core values: academic excellence, civic and community engagement, diversity and inclusion, health and wellness, and personal growth and development. Guided by these commitments, the FSC diligently crafts programming, education, and access initiatives that seamlessly integrate into our annual calendar. These carefully designed programs and events are a testament to our unwavering dedication to empower and uplift our governing councils, member organizations, and their members, as they work towards upholding the essence of our community's five core values.




    Through its commitment to promote the community’s core values, FSC SUPPORT represents the office’s commitment to serving as a guide/aide in pursuit of the community’s desire to provide a premier sorority and fraternity experience for all. Through informed governance and operative logistic support, FSC will provide advisement and process alignment to achieve this commitment.


  • Providing expert advice and consultation to organizations
  • Offering guidance on best practices and strategies
  • Assisting in decision-making and problem-solving

Process Alignment

  • Ensuring processes are consistent with community values and industry norms
  • Streamlining procedures for efficiency and effectiveness
  • Aligning organizational operations with community goals

Operative Logistic Support

  • Assisting in event planning and execution
  • Facilitating communication between stakeholders
  • Coordinating resources and logistical arrangements



    Through its commitment to promote the community’s core values, FSC INFORM represents the office commitment to both the educational initiatives and programmatic efforts of the Councils and recognition of their achievements. FSC provides educational programming and recognition funding/support to achieve these values.

Educational Programming

  • Delivering workshops, seminars, and training sessions
  • Providing resources for personal and organizational growth
  • Promoting awareness and understanding of key topics

Recognition Funding & Support

  • Allocating resources for exceptional achievements
  • Providing financial scholarships and funding for meaningful community contributions and individual needs
  • Celebrating and highlighting noteworthy accomplishments



    Through its commitment to promote the community’s core values, FSC DEVELOP represents the office commitment to developing leaders and assisting them in achieving personal and community objectives which will strengthen both the individual(s) and the RPI community. FSC will provide access to membership development opportunities and facilitate key programs to achieve this commitment.

Member Development

  • Cultivating leadership skills and personal growth
  • Fostering effective communication and collaboration
  • Empowering members for impactful engagement

Key Programming

  • Organizing leadership workshops and seminars
  • Hosting events to enhance teamwork and problem-solving
  • Offering opportunities for networking and skill-building through accessible platforms.



    Through its commitment to promote the community’s core values, FSC ENGAGE represents the office commitment to assist the Councils in their growth, community awareness and belonging, connectedness to peer groups, campus community, and the Capital Region. FSC provides council support, core values education, recruitment/intake training, external relations education and vibrancy initiatives to achieve this commitment.

Core Values Education

  • Instilling a deep understanding of the community's core values
  • Encouraging active integration of values in all aspects of fraternity and sorority life
  • Nurturing a culture that aligns with the community's guiding principles

Recruitment/Intake Support

  • Guiding effective, values-aligned recruitment and intake processes
  • Fostering inclusive and diverse membership selection practices
  • Equipping chapters with resources for successful recruitment efforts

External Relations

  • Strengthening ties with alumni advisory boards and inter/national organizations
  • Enhancing the visibility and positive reputation of the fraternity/sorority community
  • Nurturing relationships with university departments and external partners
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